Friday, January 14, 2011

Phnom Penh..Welcome 2011!

We arrived in Phnom Penh with phenomonal we were looking for a place to stay, our friends Sarah and Graham (from England) spotted us on the street. It wasn't that random, as we did know what hotel they were staying in, and we were standing right outside of it when they found us, but there was still a sense of shock, surprise and delight at turning around to see their smiling faces jumping out at us!

Phnom Penh treated us well. We enjoyed our four days with Sarah and Grey, particularly the meals we had together. Despite the fact that we have been liking the endless amounts of rice and noodles we've been eating (and I do say that positively) we were surprised at how good a cafe late and croissant tasted, how delicious a steak sandwich with salad can be, and how succulent a plate of spaghetti bolagnse is. Managed a glass of wine, some apple pie...we were well re-charged for more Khmer food by the time we left!

We didn't just eat in the city though...did go to the Killing Fields and S21 Museum--both giving a good understanding on the Khmer Rouge period in Cambodia, a time when thousands of innocent civilians were killed as a communist leader tried to ransform the nation. We also saw the Royal Palace, wandered along the river, and saw some beautiful sculptures at the National Museum.

Royal Palace

Figuring out the meaning of the wall paintings, a popular Hindu story adopted into the Cambodian Buddist religion

We rang in the New Year with Sarah and Grey, along with their gang from the orphanage they were volunteering at. Had a nice dinner out, and moved between three or four bars, finished at quite a posh place (in fact, I think it beats any club I've been to or see in Vancouver) where the rich Cambodian kids seemed to spend their clubbing nights.

Graham and Cam ramping it up for New Years Eve

Girls and their cocktails!

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